Dreaming about planets

Dreaming about planets

Dreaming of planets can mean a journey, either a physical one to a place you have long desired or a spiritual one. It also means that there are aspects of your personality that you don't like and are being unconsciously rejected. The dream is an invitation for you to learn to manage your emotions, to be more assertive when communicating your ideals and how you advise other people.

Dreaming of aligned planets: symbolizes balance in your life or that you feel the need to balance all aspects of it. It means that at this moment you have a much broader perception of things and are taking new directions. Much attention, this dream brings with it the solution to a problem that you may be having. Take it as a good omen of good luck.

Dreaming of all the planets in the sky - it bodes well. Success will knock on your door. It means the culmination of several projects that you have with great satisfactions and profits for you. A recommendation, drop everything from the past that does not let you advance. Try new things .

Dreaming of planets and stars - they symbolize creativity, achievement and imagination. It means that you will soon have an exchange of ideas that will greatly enhance your talent. It also means that you are a person who has problems in love due to your indecision.

Dreaming of the planets rotating: it means that you are a person who is carried away by lust. In the loving plane, you are one of the people who denies their feelings so as not to appear weak to others. You should seek professional help, oppressing emotions can be harmful for you.

Dreaming that the planets collide: represents spirituality. You are a person who tends to underestimate yourself. You must work with aspects related to commitment, you are one of those who do not finish the things that you start. The proper meaning of the dream means the end of a bad habit.

Dreaming of giant planets - they symbolize secrets and confusion. It means that you have given ground in the face of a situation in your life and it is time to regain control of it. The dream is an invitation to be a person more focused on your affairs. The dream also reveals that there is something in your life that is not benefiting you, you must learn to ask for help.


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